A Toast is a subtle notification commonly used in modern applications. It can be used to provide feedback about an operation or to display a system message. The toast appears on top of the app's content, and can be dismissed by the app to resume user interaction with the app.
Toasts can be positioned at the top, bottom or middle of the viewport. The position can be passed upon creation. The possible values are top, bottom and middle. If the position is not specified, the toast will be displayed at the bottom of the viewport.
<ion-buttonexpand="block"(click)="presentToast('top')">Present Toast At the Top</ion-button> <ion-buttonexpand="block"(click)="presentToast('middle')">Present Toast At the Middle</ion-button> <ion-buttonexpand="block"(click)="presentToast('bottom')">Present Toast At the Bottom</ion-button>
When using Ionic with React or Vue, ion-toast can also be placed directly in the template through use of the isOpen property. Note that isOpen must be set to false manually when the toast is dismissed; it will not be updated automatically.
Toasts are intended to be subtle notifications and should not interrupt the user. As a result, user interaction should not be required to dismiss the toast.
The toast can be dismissed automatically after a specific amount of time by passing the number of milliseconds to display it in the duration of the toast options. If a button with a role of "cancel" is added, then that button will dismiss the toast. To dismiss the toast after creation, call the dismiss() method on the instance.
Pressing the hardware back button does not dismiss toasts since they are not supposed to interrupt the user.
The following example demonstrates how to use the buttons property to add a button that automatically dismisses the toast when clicked, as well as how to collect the role of the dismiss event.
Button containers within the toast can be displayed either on the same line as the message or stacked on separate lines using the layout property. The stacked layout should be used with buttons that have long text values. Additionally, buttons in a stacked toast layout can use a side value of either start or end, but not both.
import{Component}from'@angular/core'; import{ToastController}from'@ionic/angular'; importtype{ToastOptions}from'@ionic/angular'; @Component({ selector:'app-example', templateUrl:'example.component.html', }) exportclassExampleComponent{ constructor(private toastController:ToastController){} asyncpresentToast(opts:ToastOptions){ const toast =awaitthis.toastController.create(opts); await toast.present(); } asyncpresentBaselineToast(){ awaitthis.presentToast({ duration:3000, message:'This is a toast with a long message and a button that appears on the same line.', buttons:[{ text:'Action With Long Text'}], }); } asyncpresentStackedToast(){ awaitthis.presentToast({ duration:3000, message:'This is a toast with a long message and a button that appears on the next line.', buttons:[{ text:'Action With Long Text'}], layout:'stacked', }); } }
An icon can be added next to the content inside of the toast. In general, icons in toasts should be used to add additional style or context, not to grab the user's attention or elevate the priority of the toast. If you wish to convey a higher priority message to the user or guarantee a response, we recommend using an Alert instead.
Toasts are intended to be subtle notifications and are not intended to interrupt the user. User interaction should not be required to dismiss the toast. As a result, focus is not automatically moved to a toast when one is presented.
ion-toast has aria-live="polite" and aria-atomic="true" set by default.
aria-live causes screen readers to announce the content of the toast when it is updated. However, since the attribute is set to 'polite', screen readers generally do not interrupt the current task. Developers can customize this behavior by using the htmlAttributes property to set aria-live to 'assertive'. This will cause screen readers to immediately notify the user when a toast is updated, potentially interrupting any previous updates.
aria-atomic="true" is set to ensure that the entire toast is announced as a single unit. This is useful when dynamically updating the content of the toast as it prevents screen readers from announcing only the content that has changed.
While this is not a complete list, here are some guidelines to follow when using toasts.
Do not require user interaction to dismiss toasts. For example, having a "Dismiss" button in the toast is fine, but the toast should also automatically dismiss on its own after a timeout period. If you need user interaction for a notification, consider using ion-alert instead.
Avoid opening multiple toasts in quick succession. If aria-live is set to 'assertive', screen readers may interrupt the reading of the current task to announce the new toast, causing the context of the previous toast to be lost.
For toasts with long messages, consider adjusting the duration property to allow users enough time to read the content of the toast.
The color to use from your application's color palette. Default options are: "primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "success", "warning", "danger", "light", "medium", and "dark". For more information on colors, see theming.
Defines how the message and buttons are laid out in the toast. 'baseline': The message and the buttons will appear on the same line. Message text may wrap within the message container. 'stacked': The buttons containers and message will stack on top of each other. Use this if you have long text in your buttons.
Message to be shown in the toast. This property accepts custom HTML as a string. Developers who only want to pass plain text can disable the custom HTML functionality by setting innerHTMLTemplatesEnabled: false in the Ionic config.